Have you been asking yourself lately, “Who is that in my selfie?” You’re not alone!

You may feel like a kid inside, but as you age, you lose fat beneath the skin and tissue breaks down. This can leave you looking gaunt, tired, and much older than you feel.
What can you do about it?
Dermal fillers restore volume to the face (and hands!) without surgery or downtime. When injected correctly, fillers smooth, fill, and soften the appearance of wrinkles and creases taking years off your age and postponing the need for plastic surgery.
Now, let’s talk about some of the misperceptions floating around out there. It hardly seems fair to miss out on the powerful anti-aging benefits of injectable fillers due to misleading or fictional info.
Myth: Fillers are just for cheek augmentation.
Reality: Fillers are used to restore volume all over the face not just the cheeks. When the contour delineating the face from the neck has softened, dermal fillers add definition and volume along the jawline. They also fill out hollowed temples. If you have crow’s feet, smoker’s lines, and/or vertical lines around the mouth (nasolabial folds or smile lines), fillers take care of all of it! Plus, as we mentioned above, fillers add volume to aging hands too. Pretty versatile, hunh?
Myth: Fillers distort your appearance or look artificial.
Celebs seem particularly susceptible to the overdone, exaggerated look, but for every Hollywood mishap there are thousands of people with subtle, natural looking results. Since the disasters are front and center in the media it just seems like this is the only outcome.
Reality: Your appearance can only be enhanced when a highly experienced expert properly injects the filler with caution and finesse. This means going to a dermatologist who is willing to say no if your requests don’t suit you. In the case of fillers, more is not necessarily better!
Myth: Fillers injected around the mouth will give you ‘Angelina Jolie lips.’
Reality: Fillers can be injected into the lips to give you fuller lips, but can just be injected into the border of lips to define the lip line. This stops that annoying and messy looking lipstick bleed. Fillers can also just be injected into the vertical lines around the mouth, which has zero impact on the size of the lips. Learn more about lip enhancement.
Myth: Filler injections cause bruising issues.
Reality: Whenever a needle is used, bleeding can occur beneath the skin. This is what creates a bruise. There are blood vessels all over the body—thank goodness, or we wouldn’t be here! Being human puts us at risk for bruising, but it's not a problem and it will resolve on its own. For most, it’s possible to get a treatment on your lunch hour and return to work right after.

Myth: It's better to use permanent fillers.
Reality: There's always a chance—no matter how unlikely or small—of being dissatisfied with your results. If the injectable filler is permanent, you’re stuck with it. For this reason, temporary fillers allow you to undo things if you find yourself less than thrilled with your treatment outcome.
Myth: Fillers don’t last.
Reality: You should also know that ‘temporary’ fillers last longer than they did in the past—sometimes up to a year or more. So if you’re worried that the results you DO like won’t stick around or aren’t worth it, rest assured. Some fillers even kickstart your own natural collagen production, which can produce benefits for years to come.
Myth: Filler injections are painful.
Reality: Extremely small needles are used for filler injections. That, coupled with the use of topical anesthetics, makes the process virtually pain free for most. There are parts of the face like the lips that are more sensitive. So if the topical anesthetic doesn’t do the trick, the pain blocker lidocaine (used at the dentist’s office) can numb you even more. You may feel some pressure during the injections, but most find the mild pinching sensation manageable.
Tip: To be effective, the topical anesthetic should be applied at least one hour before the procedure and should be dabbed on. Do not rub in topical anesthetics like a moisturizer. Remember to dab, dab, dab!
As with all treatments, it’s critical to work with a board-certified pro who can factor in all personal variables. That’s what we do best!
Are you ready to go for it?
Call us at 203-323-5660
to enjoy the benefits of our exceptional service.