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You know the body’s natural healing powers are incredible, but they aren’t perfect. That’s where we come in!


•  Accidents & burns

•  C-sections & other surgeries

•  Skin cancer, acne, & other skin diseases

•  Wounds that were left untreated

best scar treatment

As you can probably tell from this list, no two scars are alike. Each one must be evaluated on an individual basis to determine the right type of scar therapy. Your treatment plan will also evolve as you see improvements.


Dr. Robin Evans is a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon with advanced training in scar reduction treatment. She is passionate about helping people heal more thoroughly than they ever thought possible. At Southern Connecticut Dermatology, we have a wide variety of effective protocols that can be used on their own or in combination with one another. Many of our medical spa offerings are also an essential part of scar healing.


While no one can promise the complete eradication of a scar, there is so much that can be done to heal and feel better. We can’t change the past, but we can help reduce the appearance of your scar and the discomfort it creates. We are especially empathetic toward those seeking facial scar treatment. This is tough stuff, but we can help!

How We Determine the Best Scar Treatment For You

When evaluating a scar, we look at its size, depth, and location on the body. Genetics, age, ethnicity, and sex are also important factors to consider. We also want to know how and when it happened as well as how the scar was treated, if at all. Please remember that consulting a doctor at the time of an injury maximizes healing and helps to significantly minimize scarring.


Raised or Elevated Scars = Hypertrophic Scars

Keloid Scars

Often extending beyond the original wound, keloids are raised scars that can grow over time. They are an overgrowth of scar tissue created by an overactive healing process. 


Hypertrophic Scars are also thick and raised, but do not grow beyond the boundary of the original scar.


Hypertrophic and Keloid Scar Treatment

1. Cortisone injections are the go-to for raised scars. Depending on the individual, these in-office injections are administered monthly for a total of 1-6 treatments. Between cortisone injections, or as an alternative to them, silicone gel or sheeting is recommended.


2. We also offer laser treatment for scars. By stimulating collagen production with gentle bursts of light, our VBeam laser helps soften thick, raised scars. Multiple sessions are often required. Most see improvements 6-8 weeks after their first session.


3. Occasionally, the best treatment for a raised scar is excision followed by cortisone injections. It's critical to administer the cortisone injections very soon after surgery to prevent recurrence of scarring. This is not a typical approach, but it can be effective.


Depressed or Indented Scars = Atrophic Scars

We treat depressed, indented scars by raising them or ‘filling them in’ with dermal filler injections. However, touch-up treatments are needed because results are not permanent. Depressed, atrophic scars can also benefit from lasers, and microneedling.



Scar Colors

If you have a flat scar, its color determines the best approach.


Brown scars may respond well to melaquin, a prescription hydroquinone. This topical lightening cream subdues color intensity.


Pink scars often improve with gentle exfoliation, which encourages cell renewal. Lasers may also help to fade color intensity, which may require 2-6 treatments done every 3-5 weeks.


Scars that are lighter than the natural skin tone are superficial and are often best left untreated. This type of scar is challenging because it’s difficult to get skin to re-pigment. Over time, such scars may regain some color naturally.


Scars From Burns

Treating burn scars depends on a number of factors: the depth of the burn, the way healing occurred, and its color. Surgical scar revision can be performed, but it’s more surgery and surgery itself always results in a scar. This option must be considered carefully.

Is it time to heal more deeply? Let’s discuss your scar treatment options!

We want to offer you a lot of optimism about the results that can be achieved.


Please schedule an appointment in our Stamford, CT office:

CALL (203) 323-5660

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